Please contact the Parish Office if you are interested in joining the St. Monica Altar Society.
The Altar Society cares for the altar, sacristy and sanctuary. Their purpose is to help maintain the liturgical needs of our daily worship, to beautify our worship area, and to grow in the community and common service.
Some of their duties and responsibilities, to name a few, include the purchase of altar supplies, including hosts, wine, candles, linens, priests’ vestments and altar server cassocks and surplices. They decorate the Sanctuary prior to Masses and holidays, clean the holy water fonts, along with anything else that needs to be done. Many of the Altar Society members provide individual assistance which includes the washing, ironing, folding, repair and maintenance of the linens and vestments of the priests and servers.
In addition, the Altar Society hosts parish funeral receptions and runs the St. Monica Market which acts as a fund raiser for the Society.